
Narrate with fewer misreads.
Prompt helps you customize the view of your manuscript and auto-scroll as you read along.
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1 min
Why Prompt?
Scroll your manuscript at your desired speed with the click of a button.
Format & Integrity
Maintain the original format and content of your uploaded manuscripts.
Font & Style
Control the font size, teleprompter width, and line height of your manuscript.
Automatically scroll your manuscript as you read along. No more manually scrolling or flipping pages. Just press play or hit the space bar.
Create a project
Upload a PDF or a Word document of any size and length, all while maintaining the original formatting of your document.
Control the scroll speed
With precision in terms of Words per Minute (WPM), you can control the Auto-scroll speed of your manuscript.
Control the font size
From tiny to large, control the font size of your manuscript to what works best for you.
Control the teleprompter's width
From narrow to wide, control the width of the teleprompter to your liking.
Control the line height
Single, double, triple, and every size in between. Control the line height of your manuscript to your liking.
Export to a Word document
Export your manuscript, including highlights, to a Word document. All while keeping the words on their original pages and formatting.
Loved by Narrators
We are proud to help narrators all over the world.
Julie Gold Walthers's avatar
Julie Gold Walthers
Owner, Whole Story Studio
Prompt has been a game-changer for me. The auto-scroll feature allows me to follow along with my manuscript effortlessly, ensuring I never miss a word while proofreading. The ability to adjust scroll speed and font size has saved me countless hours and made the entire process seamless. I can’t imagine going back to manually scrolling through PDFs in Adobe Acrobat. Thank you, Prompt!
Lee Goettl's avatar
Lee Goettl
Owner/narrator at Goettl Voices
I've been using Prompt to help narrate my audiobooks. The auto-scroll feature and adjustable scroll speed make it incredibly easy to maintain a steady pace. The ability to customize font size enhances readability, ensuring I never miss a word. Efficiency is always key in narrating, and Prompt significantly improves my voice-over workflow and productivity!
Holly Haverkorn's avatar
Holly Haverkorn
Owner/Voice Actor at Holly Haverkorn LLC
Prompt has been incredibly useful as a teleprompter. The ease of use for timing and font sizing has been instrumental in maintaining my narration pace. As a part-time voice-over artist, the monthly subscription is very reasonable. Thank you, Prompt, for providing such a valuable tool for the voice-over community!